Posts tagged Influencers
A Brand's Checklist Before Asking an Individual to be a Campaign Partner

Partnering with an individual can be a great way to help build brand awareness, announce a new service, or introduce a product to new audiences. Having a process in place - a checklist of sorts - before asking an Influencer, Ambassador, or Affiliate to work with your brand will help make it a smoother process.

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What are the Differences Between an Influencer, Ambassador, and Affiliate?

“Influencer” has become a murky catch-all for folks who contract with brands to promote products or services. Depending on your marketing strategy and sales goals, contracting with Influencers, Ambassador, and/or Affiliates can help further brand awareness, attract and educate new and current audiences, and increase sales.

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Instagram Engagement Myths & Real Metrics

I take three actions with his posts: 1) swipe through the pics or watch the watch the video, 2) tap to read all the content, and 3) ‘like’ the post. Three points of fairly consistent engagement and I’m delivered his new posts in a very consistent manner whenever I hop into the app. This is the algorithm working and working well. (And note: no saves, no shares - just watching, reading, and liking. Basically the algorithm thinks we’re friends - and who am I to correct that?)

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An Influencer's Checklist Before Asking a Brand to Partner

I’ve seen first hand how great an influencer’s partnership can be for a brand, improving awareness, reach, and engagement. I’ve also read my fair share of generic pitches from influencers, often sent without showing any value or trust, - and often quickly dismissed by my clients.

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