Posts tagged Tips
A Brand's Checklist Before Asking an Individual to be a Campaign Partner

Partnering with an individual can be a great way to help build brand awareness, announce a new service, or introduce a product to new audiences. Having a process in place - a checklist of sorts - before asking an Influencer, Ambassador, or Affiliate to work with your brand will help make it a smoother process.

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Let’s Talk About Digital Empathy

Digital Empathy is a necessity for brands in 2020 and beyond. It’s no longer a lofty goal. If we fast forward from my talk in early March to today, it's never been clearer how much brands desperately need to make Digital Empathy the center-point of their strategies, especially as we're squarely in the Conscious Consumer Era and rethinking how to best approach our audiences.

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5 Questions to Ask to Determine Your Brand’s Audience

What does determining a brand audience have to do with creating a strategy? By establishing who we are reaching and who we want to reach we’re able to create and target content and campaigns toward a specific group. Here are 5 questions to ask to help better determine your brand’s audience…

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Is Facebook Worth It?

If a brand is creating content specifically for Instagram, then simply hitting that “share” option, so the exact same content pops up on their Facebook page, a majority of the brand’s audience - 91% if we directly apply Pew’s findings - will potentially see the exact same post if they’re following on both platforms. That’s like hearing the exact same songs in the same order when you switch playlists.

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An Influencer's Checklist Before Asking a Brand to Partner

I’ve seen first hand how great an influencer’s partnership can be for a brand, improving awareness, reach, and engagement. I’ve also read my fair share of generic pitches from influencers, often sent without showing any value or trust, - and often quickly dismissed by my clients.

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