Partnering with an individual can be a great way to help build brand awareness, announce a new service, or introduce a product to new audiences. Having a process in place - a checklist of sorts - before asking an Influencer, Ambassador, or Affiliate to work with your brand will help make it a smoother process.
Read More“Influencer” has become a murky catch-all for folks who contract with brands to promote products or services. Depending on your marketing strategy and sales goals, contracting with Influencers, Ambassador, and/or Affiliates can help further brand awareness, attract and educate new and current audiences, and increase sales.
Read MoreHigh-level daily content themes are basically post prompts to help further branding consistency. They’re not the priority for posting; these are purely content fillers to be used between announcements or whatever other points you wish to share with your community and followers on social media. It’s important to think of daily content themes as ways to further brand awareness, build community, or offer social listening.
Read MoreUsing those super popular hashtags aren’t helpful at all. Why? The higher the use rate, especially anything over 1M+ uses, means your content will be pushed down all the faster in that specific hashtag’s feed. For example: when writing this article, #donuts had over 8 MILLION uses, which means, on average, that hashtag is used 4,500 times per day.
Read MoreWhile the immediate blow was hard, it took a willingness to be creatively agile to answer those questions. The willingness to adopt truly made a difference for so many. brands. What else did they do? They reviewed their message to ensure it best fit with their key audience.
Read MoreClient Personas - also known as Marketing, Customer, or Buyer Personas - are descriptions and representations of a brand’s key clients. And they can make people say “This was written for me!" while reading your e-newsletter, Instagram post, or reviewing your brand's resources.
Read MoreWhat does determining a brand audience have to do with creating a strategy? By establishing who we are reaching and who we want to reach we’re able to create and target content and campaigns toward a specific group. Here are 5 questions to ask to help better determine your brand’s audience…
Read MoreIf a brand is creating content specifically for Instagram, then simply hitting that “share” option, so the exact same content pops up on their Facebook page, a majority of the brand’s audience - 91% if we directly apply Pew’s findings - will potentially see the exact same post if they’re following on both platforms. That’s like hearing the exact same songs in the same order when you switch playlists.
Read MoreNo group calls. No mastermind classes. No pre-recorded modules. Just you and me. We’ll sit down, talk about your brand and goals, giving you the time to ask your questions as we review your strategy.
Read MoreWhy plan a month’s worth instead of just posting for the day or week of? Drafting a plan allows you to see the bigger picture and makes scheduling more efficient. It also lets you be creative and do a little research instead of rushing through an idea or realizing you missed a fun opportunity on a themed day.
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